A lot of what you write seems to be about deepening life, which in my experience naturally extends it, but also decreases the need for any guarantees about its length. You seem on track to be able to look back at your life, well before it’s over, and feel that you’ve given and received more than anyone could ask for. That’s an incredible feeling.

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Feb 22Liked by Jack Dixon

Confronting death, embracing life, living in the moment. Sounds like your mantra, Jack. In a vibrant, healthy, kind, thoughtful way. I know you enrich the lives of others with your longevity advice, helping them cheat death a little. Super proud Dad!!

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I've thought about this post several times over the last couple days. Like you, death is something I've thought and think about quite a bit. I loved reading your reflections.

I'm curious to know if you go on to learn CPR/first aid, both of which I used to teach. Happy to chat with you about it further. Just yesterday, our EMS captain posted a WhatsApp to our department saying 3 of our EMTs had brought back a pulse in a woman in cardiac arrest, and she's now in the hospital, breathing on her own—a rare, but wonderful thing.

Thankful, as always, for your thought-provoking posts.

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Great piece Jack. It’s interesting to see how death has been top of mind for you in your writing - as your life has been more vital and alive - especially since leaving work.

Just a friend - I loved your summary of everything you’ve done in the past year in that middle section. Could be a lifetime but for you it was a year.

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Feb 22Liked by Jack Dixon

Momento Mori

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