Loved the message, Jack. Especially when you included anecdotes on the community in other cultures, it made me wonder: in what way is community tied to ritual? Because we've certainly lost our rituals and seen a sense of community deteriorate as well. Fighting back, it seems, will be quiet and individual and unsexy but oh-so-important.

Great essay (:

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...thanks to you too brother...you are a health and mindset inspiration...so devoted and motivated by and to the good life...maybe if we called screens asses everyone would get their heads out of them?...in the meantime i consider a win every time i find myself undistracted and in the moment...where else could i be...(lots of places lol, and most of them valueless)...i think the drive, and the great win, is how close can we push our lives towards every moment being meaningful...that is the quest...but quests sometime require long car rides (which require distraction...maybe...)...peace and alohahaha bud...

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"strangers are so caught off guard when I say hi on walks or in the elevator that they don’t even reply"

This is hilarious

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Thanks for making my life better too Jack! Excited to see how you'll get involved with and develop community around you. This is a topic that's constantly top of mind for me. Looking forward to how things play out over the years!

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I'm loving being alongside you on your thoughtful and heartfelt journey. It's one thing to live from the heart, but when that is combined with the capacity to apply discipline and intentionality, to make commitments to oneself and keep them, that is an extraordinary life in the making. And that's what I'm witnessing in you Jack. Very happy to be part of your expanding community.

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Love this message - community (esp local community) is something we are losing so quickly, yet it's probably one of the most fulfilling things to engage in .... and not just because evolutionarily, community was our social structure, but also because it's just fun

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Jack, I look up to you when it comes to engaging with others in a sincere and inspiring way. I love how you're thinking about starting communities. When you do start one (or plan on starting one), I'd love to hear from you and maybe learn something from your experiences. Continue bringing positive energy wherever you go!

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Really enjoyed this Jack. Thanks for writing it! I can vouch for the wonder of volunteering. When I began coaching youth sports in my local community, I found a connection to the kids and to the community that I hadn't before. I've also observed that volunteering has expanded my identity beyond just my work. Contrast this to how my identity shrinks when I obsess and stress out over my work. Embedding myself within a community has been a wonderful antidote to the issue of productivity that you point to. I look forward to hearing about your own quest for community.

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Jack, what a post. Such essentialism in here. It reminded me of a distinction I discovered several years ago, that being routine vs. ritual. A lot of our lives are spent in “routines” but routines if approached as “rituals” involve a presence, a sacredness. When we can extend ourselves into community as you suggest, it’s important that our community not devolve into a routine, but that we connect with others with a sense of sacredness and presence.

Just thought I would add that to the mix of comments triggered by your thoughtful essay.

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Love this piece, and your commitment to community. It's honestly been the best part of Substack—by far—meeting you, Rick, Miche, James, CansaFis, Tommy, and reading all of your work. I'm truly inspired by your commitment to community, both on- and offline. We're all so enriched by that. Looking forward to seeing where work and life take you next.

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Thanks for covering this topic, Jack. It's an important one. I'll be soon wrapped up with an article on the importance of community to our wellbeing and how we've gotten to our current state of affairs.

Glad we connected here on Substack. Empathize with your scenario of not having a fixed dwelling and how that impacts in-person community-building.

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This hit me, Jack. And it reminded me of a piece I wrote about thin trust connections inspired by the work of Robert Putnam (Bowling Alone). Sharing it here to continue the conversation.


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Apr 19Liked by Jack Dixon

We just got back from yet another Stammtisch night with our relatively new friends. The concept is simple and effective: at the same time every week, they make food and people drop by to eat and talk. Seems to be a good model for building community. So far it’s been more effective than the occasional board gaming groups I’ve been connected to.

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Awesome essay Jack and something that rings true for me in a big city. I’ve tried a few different groups in Boston but haven’t found one that’s exactly what I’m looking for. Have debated starting a surfing group just to meet other people out of the water. This is giving me the push to finally do it!

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Apr 18Liked by Jack Dixon

Such an important message, thanks Jack!

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I joined a men's soccer league as a free agent. My roommate found two young adult bible study groups and pulled me in. Glad he did. And I invited my neighbor to go on a few bike rides last year and now we're going turkey hunting next month.

Building IRL community is hard, but very doable. Takes a a year or two to find the others.

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