Especially your vision “For me, being fit enough means having energy all day long. Feeling strong yet supple, powerful yet stable. Having the endurance to hike up a mountain with 40lbs on my back. Feeling good in my skin. Being a role model for my friends and family”
I think about fitness a lot in a mental sense. How it lifts my spirits, clears my head, brings me back to the present moment. That’s my goal with exercise more and more. To recenter and restabilize.
Thanks for your support buddy. Love the way you defined what exercises means to you.
Those are fantastic reasons to exercise and ones that I resonate with strongly. Exercise is indeed a centring and stabilizing act. And with a clear why, your how unveils itself.
Agree wholeheartedly with the stance that fitness is personal. My perspective lines up with yours. Whatever level of fitness makes you happy and allows you to enjoy the life you want to live.
Thanks for reading and commenting Justin -- I always love to hear your thoughts.
I completely agree. Exercise should be about gaining the level of fitness required to live the life you want to live. That’s a beautiful way to put it.
"Science-backed strategies are true until the next study says they’re not." The older you get the more cycles of this you experience and more absurd it feels to ignore your own impulses while waiting for an expensive 20 year study to tell you that there's a reason sunshine feels good on your skin. I'm much more in the camp of relying on personal instincts and experiments over time than the "science" - and feel that your phrase "science-informed, not science-led" captures it beautifully.
It's great to hear your perspective on this, so thanks for sharing Rick. I completely agree. In our world of extremes I think the best approach is one of balance. Not all science. Not all intuition. But a little bit of both. Like you said, you don't need a study to prove what you know to be true.
Thanks for reading and commenting. I always look forward to hearing your thoughts :)
Love how you blend the science component of fitness with the personal “gut” awareness of what fitness regimen works for you. There are definite extremes out there and while it’s important to try new things and push yourself, if it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.
The best approach to exercise that I have found over the years is science + intuition. We must listen to the science while tapping in to our instincts and personalizing based on our unique needs.
That is a good and a bad advice at the same time. Good because yes, you need to follow what your body and mind tells you. Bad because we need science as our senses are often wrong, very wrong. I just said to my wife, all this is getting me crazy: do this, eat that, exercise so many hours per day etc. I am trying to follow Dr Attia’s advice but finding that I feel exhausted and without energy the next day. If I am tired and not focused in the gym, it can only lead me to bad injuries. Hence I am following Dr Attia’s instructions but I am personalising them. As you said there are plenty of other important things in life. I think we need to remember sometimes we don't live to be healthy, we need to be healthy to be able to live.
Loved this Jack.
Especially your vision “For me, being fit enough means having energy all day long. Feeling strong yet supple, powerful yet stable. Having the endurance to hike up a mountain with 40lbs on my back. Feeling good in my skin. Being a role model for my friends and family”
I think about fitness a lot in a mental sense. How it lifts my spirits, clears my head, brings me back to the present moment. That’s my goal with exercise more and more. To recenter and restabilize.
Thanks for your support buddy. Love the way you defined what exercises means to you.
Those are fantastic reasons to exercise and ones that I resonate with strongly. Exercise is indeed a centring and stabilizing act. And with a clear why, your how unveils itself.
Agree wholeheartedly with the stance that fitness is personal. My perspective lines up with yours. Whatever level of fitness makes you happy and allows you to enjoy the life you want to live.
Thanks for reading and commenting Justin -- I always love to hear your thoughts.
I completely agree. Exercise should be about gaining the level of fitness required to live the life you want to live. That’s a beautiful way to put it.
"Science-backed strategies are true until the next study says they’re not." The older you get the more cycles of this you experience and more absurd it feels to ignore your own impulses while waiting for an expensive 20 year study to tell you that there's a reason sunshine feels good on your skin. I'm much more in the camp of relying on personal instincts and experiments over time than the "science" - and feel that your phrase "science-informed, not science-led" captures it beautifully.
It's great to hear your perspective on this, so thanks for sharing Rick. I completely agree. In our world of extremes I think the best approach is one of balance. Not all science. Not all intuition. But a little bit of both. Like you said, you don't need a study to prove what you know to be true.
Thanks for reading and commenting. I always look forward to hearing your thoughts :)
Love how you blend the science component of fitness with the personal “gut” awareness of what fitness regimen works for you. There are definite extremes out there and while it’s important to try new things and push yourself, if it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.
Thanks for reading, Dad. Absolutely.
The best approach to exercise that I have found over the years is science + intuition. We must listen to the science while tapping in to our instincts and personalizing based on our unique needs.
That is a good and a bad advice at the same time. Good because yes, you need to follow what your body and mind tells you. Bad because we need science as our senses are often wrong, very wrong. I just said to my wife, all this is getting me crazy: do this, eat that, exercise so many hours per day etc. I am trying to follow Dr Attia’s advice but finding that I feel exhausted and without energy the next day. If I am tired and not focused in the gym, it can only lead me to bad injuries. Hence I am following Dr Attia’s instructions but I am personalising them. As you said there are plenty of other important things in life. I think we need to remember sometimes we don't live to be healthy, we need to be healthy to be able to live.