Fasting Into The New Year: A New And Improved Round Two
This week we’re taking a break from our usual format for a special New Year’s tradition… fasting into the New Year.
The 3-Day Fasting Protocol
Last year, I persuaded (read: pestered) my brother into doing a 3-day fast with me to kick off the New Year.
I wrote an article, Fasting Into The New Year, explaining why extended multi-day fasts may be a beneficial longevity practice and inviting my beautiful readers (yes, you) to join me.
Despite the fact that you probably shook a fist in the air and cursed my name for asking you not to eat for 3 days, I’m inviting you to join me and my brother (who doesn’t yet know he’s joining me… hey buddy) to kick off 2023 with a multi-day fast.
But don’t run away yet!
This year’s fasting protocol is new and improved, aimed at maximizing the benefits of the fast while (hopefully) reducing our suffering.
In the spirit of tradition, here’s the 3-day fasting protocol outlined in Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss that my brother and I are following this New Year.
If you decide to join us, let me know by hitting reply to this email.
Day 1: Saturday, December 31st
On Saturday determine how you can be productive via cell phone for 4 hours per day on Sunday and Monday (i.e., phone calls, podcasts, lectures, audiobooks, etc.).
Eat a low-carb dinner around 6 p.m.
Day 2: Sunday, January 1st
Sleep as late as possible to let sleep do some of the work for you.
Drink some caffeine (if needed) and exogenous ketones or MCT oil upon waking. I’m planning to mix 1 tbsp of coconut oil, a natural source of MCTs, into my morning coffee.
Continue consuming exogenous ketones or MCT oil throughout the day at 3- to 4-hour intervals.
Tim primarily uses KetoCaNa and caprylic acid (C8), like Brain Octane. Too expensive for me – I’ll stick to coconut oil.
For each day of fasting, you can consume up to 4 tablespoons of exogenous ketones or fat (i.e., coconut oil in tea or coffee).
No later than 30 minutes after waking, hit the road and start walking.
Pack a cold bottle of water with a dash of unsweetened lemon juice and a few pinches of salt.
Sip as you walk and make phone calls, listen to podcasts, or simply enjoy nature and allow your mind to wander.
Once you drain your water, fill it up or buy another. Bring some salt so you can add a pinch.
Brisk walking for 3-4 hours and constant hydration are key to putting your body into ketosis (using ketones for energy instead of glucose) as quickly as possible.
Once you’re in deep ketosis, the exogenous ketones and MCT oil can be omitted.
I’m making the bold assumption that few of us have ketone-measuring devices lying around at home.
Taking a semi-educated guess with the assumption that it takes around 24-48 hours to get into ketosis, I’ll stop consuming exogenous ketones/MCT oil/coconut oil around midday on Day 3 (tomorrow).
Day 3: Monday, January 2nd
Sleep as late as possible.
Repeat the walking and continuous hydration protocol from yesterday.
Day 4: Tuesday, January 3rd
Sleep as late as possible.
Break your fast at the same time you finished eating on Day 1 (6 p.m. in our case).
Don’t worry about what you break your fast with. For 3-day fasts, you can probably get away with eating just about anything without repercussions.
Aim for healthy whole foods if you can – no different than your regular diet.
Alternatively, you could eat according to a ketogenic diet to stay in ketosis.
Ketogenic diet: eating 70-85% of your daily calories as fat, no more than 20-25 grams of carbohydrates, and the rest protein. Purchase a ketone measuring device to measure the ketone concentrations in your blood and consult with a doctor to perform regular blood tests.
But I wouldn’t recommend continuing a ketogenic diet for longer than a week without talking to a doctor and performing regular bloodwork to verify if you are keto compatible.
The ketogenic diet can work wonders for some people and do harm to others.
Happy New Year
Whether you join me or not, I hope you consider how fasting might play a role in your 2023 longevity protocol.
Whether that means skipping breakfast and eating all of your calories for the day in a 6-8 hour window (a.k.a. time restricted feeding), fasting for one day each week, trying the fast mimicking diet, or combining different protocols to forge something unique that works for you.
Note for the ladies: Fasting may not be the best protocol for you. I’m certainly not a women’s health expert and won’t pretend to be. I advise performing your own research and consulting a doctor before fasting.
Hold yourself accountable, stay mentally strong, and remember: a new year doesn’t mean sh*t unless you make something of it.
Get out there and make it happen.
Much love to you and yours,
Jack Dixon